Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Mmmm. Lexie's pudding is so good. Today the classics club is having a bake sale at UTC. Yeah, I know what you are all thinking: Classics club? That sounds like a club for super nerdy people! Yeah, well my sister is in there. She really likes her Latin professor, Dr. Davies, so when he put a shameless plug for the classics club into his lesson, Lexie actually decided to attend. (Most professors at UTC also are the advisers for clubs and insert shameless plugs into their lessons. Example: I have been invited to join the Chemistry club by four different professors.)

Anyways, Dr. Davies decided to take the club to the parthenon in Nashville so they're holding a bake sale to raise money. Dr. Davies made some cookies that look like garbage so I didn't buy them. Lots of people made cookies. Lexie however made chocolate pudding with whipped cream and oreo crumbs. I've so far bought two and if there are any left when I show up to beg Lexie to take me home, I'll buy those too. They're so good.

1 comment:

  1. Why is her Latin professor heading up the classics club?

    Sounds like Lexie is a great addition to the classics club because:

    1) She's creative--while everyone else was sharing tips on how to make their cookies look half-way decent, Lexie was coming up with something interesting to sell.

    2) Obviously, she can make some good pudding. I would guess that Lexie's baking will be the main funding for this trip.
