Friday, April 17, 2009

Power Supply Obliterated

Tragedy of tragedies: My computer broke. My grandfather, who invented the computer but not really, says that it is either the power supply that is broken or the motherboard. If it's the motherboard the computer is dead, but if it is the power supply it is only sleeping and can be awakened by the kiss of a prince.

We ordered a new power supply and now we are waiting for it. I want to end this miserable torment of desperately wishing that my computer isn't dead as soon as possible. I have a lot of things that are very important to me on that computer, like Super Program's code and my Chemistry programs. Please please please, be the power supply!


  1. What if the power supply that you ordered isn't "the right one?" I mean, if your computer is anything near as fickle as the princesses in the fairy tales, not just any power supply will do. You need power supplies to come from far and wide before you computer will be satisfied. Maybe you should order a bunch and try them all.

  2. Fortunately, I have my Fairy Grandfather to tell me which power supply is the right one.
