Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thin-skinned prejudiced pessimist

Recently David has read what is apparently a very interesting book on personality analysis. When you are talking with him he will randomly pause as you talk, stare off into space, and then nod his had and say: "Yeah, you're a J." I'm apparently something like an NJ$*2P8 or something. It means something along the lines of: "You're a person who is quick to judge people, is wholly concentrated on the negative aspects of life, and takes others opinions too seriously." or something to that extent. I think the only compliment he's given me is "decisive" which is not much of a compliment when you realize the other choice was "cautious." I would rather be decisive than cautious though.


  1. If "cautious" is the opposite of decisive, then it would follow that cautious people never get anything done or decided. Decisive is better. So why was David reading this book on personality analysis anyway?

  2. I am here to clear things up. In all actuality I did not call Duncan a NJS*2P8, and in answer to Ariel's question here is the complete story. Originally Mom and Dad had read the book a long time ago, near the time they were married. Then when Douglas visited, he talked about the method defined in the book. The reason he was talking about it was that his company had used it to help the employees get along together better by knowing eachothers "Types" (Don't ask me how his company learned about it because I don't know, but on with the story.) Then after Douglas left Mom reread the book and started talking about peoples "types". After awhile I was very curious and wanted to read the book as well. I read the book and then like some contagious disease I as well started analyzing everybodies types. That is the whole story. I wrote this comment before, but apparently I forgot to post it because it didn't show up. And for all of you who are curious Duncan is in fact an ESTJ, not a NJS*2P8. The "J" part Duncan got right, it does mean that he is decisive and as Ariel pointed out their strength is getting things done (And also keeping on schedule). The rest of the letters mean that Duncan is an Extrovert (E), that he sees the individual parts of things instead of seeing things as a group (S), He handles things objectively instead of subjectively (T), and finally you know what the J stands for. So that is that.

    NOTE: None of this is set in stone though, and I would like feedback from Duncan to see if he thinks this is accurate.

  3. He had to look in a book to come to the conclusion that you have no reedeming traits whatsoever?

    (just kidding ilu srsly)

  4. If David really thinks Duncan is focused on the negative aspects of life then his brain is liquidated.

  5. Hmmm... I read a book like that too. I think Duncan would be a DUMB instead of a ESTJ.

    (This is just a joke.)
