Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I might as well break it to you that I won't have any more free time than I do now. I'll still be running my job as a transcriptionist for my dad and I might have a job at UTC as a math tutor. These two things are however nothing in comparison to my mother's new scheme: "Oh this and that."

Important proverb: Always beware mothers bearing ambiguity. The two jobs I currently carry will each take me a set amount of time which would then allow me to go home and rest for all the time that I'm not working. My mother now says that I will be working "at least one hour" around the house every day this summer except for Sundays. This is a big problem because she will not tell you what she needs you to do until the second before she wants you to do it.

If she would only tell me in advance what she wants me to do, I wouldn't be in human vegetable mode when she asks me to do it. But no. She will keep springing irritating little irritations that are each only about a second long on me all day long. "Duncan, move this. Duncan, move that. Duncan, help Luke. Duncan, wipe off this counter. Duncan, get Emily milk. Duncan, distract Emily. Duncan, find out why Connor is crying. Duncan, fix this. Duncan, I told you five minutes ago to move this. Duncan, would you please wipe off this counter. Duncan, go get the laundry pile. Duncan, feed the kids. Duncan, put Emily back in bed. Duncan, feel this counter. It doesn't feel like you did a very good job. Don't just stand there." I will have no time to rest. Mom will ask me that evening why I am so exhausted, after all I wasn't doing anything today.


  1. Hmm...that sounds just like me. I think my kids will say that your mom and I must have been twins separated at birth.

  2. That is absolutely my mom!! Except Mom comes up with a summer "schedule"--for Monday through Saturday. Only it's not really a schedule at all. It's basically something along the lines of "At some point every day I will ask you to do 15 minutes of yard work. I will ask you for 'slave labor' off and on throughout the day. I will assign everyone 'reading time' at some point each day." And that's the schedule. Only it's completely ambigous because she doesn't say for how long or when. And of course she "doesn't know" what she wants done for yard work until two seconds before she wants you to do it. And she "doesn't know" what she'll need done for slave labor until its time to do that as well. So it's impossible to plan or schedule any of your work because the timing and particulars of the chore are dependent on Mom's mood.

    And then, of course, she asks why you aren't getting more other things done with your time because it's not like you're doing anything.
