Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oh man. I didn't get to dissect a rat.

Today my biology teacher is away at a conference. He was going to arrange a substitute teacher but it didn't happen. It's too bad because today we were supposed to dissect a starfish and a rat. Yeah, disappointing right? And I wanted to see if rat's organs really did look exactly like human's organs.

After fifteen minutes all the students left. It's a good thing these guys don't take my Theatre class because the teacher in there is always at least twenty minutes late.

What's funny is that during my first semester there was never a single cancelled class. This semester I have teachers who are constantly leaving town for extended periods of times and teachers who get sick and perish for the day. Weird.

He'll probably be back in town for next week's lab which will be: Ecology of a rotting log. Yahoo. I'm jumping for joy.


  1. Dissecting a roomba or a video game console would be much more interesting to me than a rat.

  2. How would you know? You've never dissected a human before, right?

    Hmm, Heather sounds just like some of your teachers. Particularly the ones who "get sick and perish for the day."

  3. David, don't you mean a "goomba"

  4. A starfish and a rat? How are those two related?
