Monday, April 6, 2009


Finally, we have reached the realm of things able to be seen with the naked eye in my Biology class. When we were studying Archaea and Bacteria all we could do is look through microscopes at them, which is bad because microscopes are my one weakness. Even though I have tried once a week for an entire year I have not yet figured out how to adjust the microscope so that both my eyes are looking at the same thing. I scroll it one way, too large. The other way, too small. Microscopes are scum.

Anyways, it's nice to be able to dissect things, although sometimes you have to use a microscope to look at something like half of a cricket's coelom cell or something.

P.S. People who name their cricket "Jiminy" before dissecting it are about as unique and clever as the people who hear my name and ask "Can I have some doughnuts? Tee hee hee."


  1. OK, I had to think hard about the doughnut joke before I got it. That's ultra lame. Do a lot of people make that joke? Actually, it sounds like something my dad would do. He likes to make "phonetic" jokes. :)

    I abhor microscopes as a rule. Plus, I'm never interested in studying whatever we're supposed to be looking at. But then, I abhor dissection as a rule as well.

  2. Doughnuts...bizarre. Those weird pun jokes are beyond me. I always think of Macbeth, which is my favorite Shakespeare play.

  3. I still don't exactly get that joke.
