Saturday, April 4, 2009

Honor Matches

It finally happened: someone cheated on super program. Two little boys put down two matches that they didn't actually fight. I asked the boys themselves two questions: Did you really fight these and who directed? The answer was predictable: They were "honor matches."

They both claimed to have beaten my younger brother. I had been directing Connor's (my brother) matches and when I went to the computer I saw two matches that I knew Connor hadn't fought. I asked Connor about it and he said he never fought those matches. It's really annoying because I can program all day but I can't make a program that senses lies. It really is dependent on honesty.

I can't think of a tactful way to break it to them that they can't lie. I've never been one for tact. I'm going to have to talk to Heather about this.


  1. Why do you need to be tactful about it? Lying isn't tactful. They brought it on themselves. I suppose you could point out to them the irony of how very "honorable" it is for them to record completely non-existent honor matches. That might be tactful enough. Of course, if it were me, I'd probably just say, "Don't lie, Dweeb." I guess I'm not very tactful either.

  2. Duncan, they are liars! Confront them! Tact is pointless here.

  3. You could always say, "Liar, Liar, pants on fire." Or, not.
