Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We gather together today to mourn my super companion, Papaya. Papaya has been my desktop for four years. Together we've done all sorts of meaningful things, like waste time playing games and working on projects that we never finished. You have been loyal throughout the years and have never once gotten a virus. We'll never forget you, Papaya.

The cause of death was a mysterious electrical spike that blew out the motherboard (As Poirot would say, "What nonsense. I have never known a computer whose motherboard still worked), probably murder from some other appliance. Our prime suspect is the vaccuum, but as any good detective knows, it is never the prime suspect that actually did it. A good detective knows that the actual murder is usually the person who benefits from the will, which in this case is Avacado the Laptop. All of the programs and files on Papaya are going to be transfered to Avacado via some sort of computer seance where we channel Papaya and his memories through another computer, probably the less interestingly named "Work Computer." It's a tricky business that only top shamans like my mother can perform.

So just one more moment of silence for my terrific computer. He has served his master well. Goodbye, Papaya.


  1. "Papaya" and "Avacado" those aren't fruits that you actually like, are they? Because they both taste pretty gross. Although I've only had papaya once, and I don't mind guacamole--or even avacado, if it's chopped up and put in a salad.

    Hey, I can say "Computer seance" in French! "Une consultation d'ordinateur." My French 3 book had some weird thing for the word seance. My first two French books were Christian school programs, and they were great, but that same curriculum didn't have a French 3 book. So we bought a French 3 book at McKay's. And it would have these reading sections that were supposed to be conversations between students, and every other sentance between the various students was, "Have you had a seance?" Yeah, strange textbook, but I definitely know the French word for seance.

  2. I didn't know your mother was a shaman. Wouldn't the correct term be "shawoman"?
