Monday, April 13, 2009


Wow. What a blast. Today was my final in my Chemistry Lab. 30 minutes before the class I sat down and studied like I had never studied before, which I hadn't. I think I got an 'A' anyway. It's amazing what a little bit of last second cramming can do.

Not really. I've been studying this bloodsucker of a test for a week. I even created a set of programs that would give randomly generated Chemistry questions to me. I learn better when I teach someone, so I programmed the program so that it could teach me, and it worked. I got twice the benefit. Hooray for Dark Basic!

The funny thing was that there were two questions on the test which asked about material that I only learned while sitting out in the hall waiting for the test. It was divine providence I tell you


  1. You seem to be obsessed with Dark Basic lately

  2. How do you go about creating a program to randomly generate Chemistry questions? That's really neat!

    Hmm...Dark Basic. So, was it a video game where the main character gets asked randomly generated Chemistry questions by all the minor characters? :)
