Monday, April 27, 2009

M__________'s Rant

I have been told by my family that having last names online is an extremely dangerous thing. They're right, of course, which is why I have scanned my posts and changed every single last name to M_____ or K_____ or whatever. I have not checked comments so if anyone wants a comment containing their last name deleted, just leave a comment on this post telling me where to find it and I will delete it.

There was actually only one instance I could find of a last name being used so I removed that. Not only that but it was M______ so it doesn't matter that I encoded it because it is in enormous uncensored letters at the top of my blog.

My parents were not too worried about the name of the blog though and said I didn't have to change it, which is a relief because thinking of a good name for a blog is a pain. This leniency probably has to do with the fact that even if you knew my full name, finding me would be impossible because EVERY MCPHERSON ON THE PLANET is named "Duncan." And you probably thought my name was weird, didn't you? It's a blessing in disguise, it is.


  1. Oh, really, it doesn't matter. It's not like anyone currently reading your blog doesn't already know your last name. And, seeing as most of your readers are my brothers, they all know my last name too. So who cares. Unless some evil creepy weirdo is reading this without notifying you. Then I'd care. And I guess if some online predator were reading your blog, they certainly wouldn't want you to know, right?

  2. Regardless of who reads this, a name without an adress or something else like that is useless.
    Don't bother removing my name.
