Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Being no help at all

Today, one of the billions of clothes shelves in one of the attics collapsed taking at least a million dresses with it. Our attic now looks like a disaster zone. Mom gathered together the two greatest minds in the land, Andrew and Duncan, to help her solve her dilemma: Is there a more efficient way to store clothes that doesn't require cleaning an enormous mess?

So there stood the two geniuses staring at the incredible mess, stroking their chins, and wondering whether they had any other commitments that they could use to get out of this. Every now and then Mom would ask us what we thought and then one of us would shrug and say "I have no idea" and go back to stroking our chins. Finally, Lexie came and told me it was time to go to school. Phew. I'm glad that was over. All that thinking was hurting my head.


  1. If all that thinking was hurting your head, then what does class do to your head?

  2. Ha! When some critter living in our basement knocked over dozens of books onto the basement floor, which was covered in inches of water, I was practicing driving with Dad. And we'd forgotten to bring the cell phone, so we were blissfully unaware of the situation. When we came back it was almost pretty much taken care of so there wasn't much we needed to do. It's great to have some "responsibility" that doubles as a get-out-of-jail-free-card in situations like that.
