Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My faith is so laughable.

It occurred to me recently when I was taking my biology test that my teacher has more faith in atheism than I do in God. I characteristically refuse to talk about God in public but my teacher puts questions on the test that say something like: "How many years were there in between the evolution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes?" The answer is one billion. Which strikes me as odd because it took one billion years to evolve a nucleus and then three billion years to evolve everything else: sensory organs, intellect, Duncan McPherson, all those really complex and amazing things.

In my first semester one question asked: What is the origin of life? a) Gradual Evolution. b) Aliens C) Intelligent Creator. d) Sudden Evolution. (This was not the exact wording) Can you guess which was the right answer? I put down (a) and got the question right but it made me feel dirty inside.

So, nobody here would complain if I assumed evolution is false, right? God exists beyond a shadow of a doubt. So why is it that I can't admit it to other people or take a definitive stand on principle while my teacher has enough gall to put atheism on tests? My cowardice annoys me.


  1. I am so not taking Biology in college.

    I don't know about your teacher having such great faith in atheism, though. I mean, it seems more like your teacher feels threatened by the fact that there is, like, zero support for the theory of evolution.

    And, hey, when did scientific theories start getting quoted in science classes as laws?

  2. Don't worry, the Lord will give you plenty of chances to learn boldness. Luther said that the Devil is God's master fencer to teach us to use our weapons. Keep your sword up.
