Thursday, April 23, 2009

Luke and his Death Threats

(By which I mean Luke M____, of course.)

Today I was sitting at my computer as Luke and Connor played some game on the table in the middle of the room. For purposes of convenience, I'll pretend it was chess.

Connor: Oooh! I could take your pawn with my bishop!

Luke: Connor! If you do that I'll kill you!

Duncan: *mild indignation* Luke! Don't say you'll kill your brother! Especially over something so petty!

Luke: Oh, alright.

They continue playing...

Connor: Oooh! I could take your rook with my knight!

Luke: If you do that I'll kill you!

Duncan: *Hey. Deja vu* Luke!! I told you not to say that!

Luke: Oh, alright.

He repeats this a couple of times followed by me scolding him.

Connor: Oooh! I could take your queen with my rook!

Luke: If you do that I- I- *looks at me* I'll kill myself!

Duncan: *What the heck?* Luke!!!

These threats are completely meaningless, of course, but it is distressing that Luke uses these kind of threats in the first place.


  1. Maybe he picked it up from Luke Keller. It's a good thing you mentioned that you were referring to Luke McPherson because it's so reminiscent of my brother that I wouldn't know the difference :) Except I probably would've been clued off by the playing chess with Conner scenario--when would Luke K. have had the time?

    Well, actually, I guess the meaningless death threats sound more like Matthew...

  2. Is there anyone in your family he may have picked them up from? Perhaps from Duncan?
