Friday, April 10, 2009

Ode to UTC

Well, Andrew recently complained that all I do on my blog is complain about him. It isn't true since I complain about all the rest of my siblings too. Anyways, I decided to write something positive. It's on school.

Yeah I know that everything I've said so far about school is negative. Still, even though the teachers represent a direct assault on my faith, I still enjoy biology. Since the teacher was mysteriously absent last week (Turned out he wasn't at the conference. He was in the emergency room.) we dissected a rat this week. The rat was completely full of "preservative fluid" so that when you got too close to peer through the murky depths of the formaldehyde to find the spleen (The spleen is long and dark, like a passageway.), a piece of skin would flap and splash this "preservative fluid" into your face. Our teacher advised that we keep our mouths closed.

I also enjoy Performance class. For our final project we're supposed to take a scene from Our Town and adapt it to another setting (pirates, medevil, prohibitionary period, renaissance, modern day, etc.) So I was roped together with two guys who thought like this:
Invisible horse --> Imaginary Friend --> This guy has been taking drugs.
The horse is invisible because Thornton Wilder decided to write into the play "NO PROPS OR SCENERY ALLOWED NOT EVEN A HORSE" So the milkman who in the play leads a horse around has become "Smoking Bear" and he's totally stoned.

My favorite class is statistics because it lets me do things like this:
Duncan: Ooooh. I wonder if the average mean of the matches fenced per week is greater than or equal to 3 with an alpha of 0.05!!!

Which means I just proved nothing. The end.


  1. Yet more reason to never take Biology in college. What is it about Biology that you find interesting, anyway?

    Wait a second, rat dissection is supposed to be a positive thing?!! Biology must really suck.

  2. What was that about the null hypothesis?
