Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fighting the Establishment

Speaking of classes, Organic Chemistry met its death at 7:00 this morning. There were two reasons for this:

1) All the classes filled up.
2) Organic Chemistry can only be taken in your third year.

None of these seemed to bother Mom at all. She said all I had to do was go down to the UC, pick up Form 104EDC740-cX so that I could "force-ed" my way into a filled class and Form 3912fTToadsOP-Xt6 to "force-ed" my way into a class above my grade level. To fill these forms you'll need signatures from you, your guardian, the teacher whose class you are forcing your way into, the president of the united states, etc. I decided to put my foot down.

The reason being that last semester Dr. Davies inserted a shameless plug into his Latin class for a Classics class that was a 300 level course. (Dr. Davies is like the brand names that advertise their soaps and deoderants on their shampoo bottles.) Alexie, of course, decided to take it. She had to fill out both these forms, while battling Dr. Davies' evil non-red-headed secretary of DOOOM, and somehow getting Dr. Davies to sign them without his secretary noticing. Dr. Davies suggested that Alexie change her motto from "Hard work and guts" to "Paperwork and guts."

Dr. Davies secretary used to be a nice red-headed lady according to Heather, but she was hired by someone with more money and pizzazz than Dr. Davies and was thus stolen from him, leaving him broken and depressed enough to hire an evil secretary. (At least she won't be stolen from him, right?)

Anyways, to cut a long tragic epic battle short, Alexie died tragically. She didn't get into the class. I decided not to even bother. Funny thing is that I was only going to take Organic Chemistry to test my limits. Apparently, I come up rather short if I don't even have enough awesomeness to even get into the class.

1 comment:

  1. "The president of the United States"...right.

    You know some brands try and get you to buy both their shampoo and conditioner by putting a joke or trivia fact on the shampoo bottle whose answers are on the conditioner bottle and vice versa. Honestly, the trivia facts are never that interesting anyway. And if someone really was curious, they could just go to the store and look at the back of the other bottle, but whatever.
