Saturday, June 27, 2009
Good Morning America!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Off to the Mountains
P.S. The world might end tomorrow. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Summer of Forgotten Dreams
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Shameless Plugs
I've recently finished reading Glenn Beck's Common Sense. In it he makes the arguments that neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party stand for the American people anymore. He's calling for people to jump ship on both sides and become Independents who vote for people who run for neither party but do represent your values. What's really funny is that while all this is happening is that the Wake Republican Party is running a Turn-All-Independents-Into-Republicans Voter Registration Drive. So we're bumping into all these people who got it into their heads to jump ship and now we're dragging them back. Not working too well.
I appreciate Ann Coulter, who wrote Godless, saying when she was on Beck's show being interviewed about his book that Republicans aren't as bad as Democrats. They're moving towards Democrats but they're not as bad as they are yet. That's a distinction I'm glad she made since otherwise it makes me feel like a dummy working so hard to build up a party that everyone claims is going belly up and should go belly up.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Stars in My Eyes
"Hey," Grandma said, causing me to realize that I had just been talking to her. "Where are you?"
"In the future," I replied. Hey. Am I always this stupid or was I just half-asleep? That's a pretty poor response.
"Oh? And what are you thinking about?"
"Universal health care," I said, honestly.
"You were not," Grandma replied indignantly. I was slightly taken aback.
"No, that was honestly it."
"Well," Grandma said, "You don't have to tell me what you were thinking about." Then she gave me the look, so I knew what she was thinking. The only other time she uses that look is when she asks Heather about Douglas.
"No Grandma, that was really it."
"Well, I was just thinking, you had such a contented expression on your face, I figured you were thinking about having a wife and kids and a house." Seriously. I bet you often wonder what your grandparents think you are thinking. Now you know that you don't want to know.
So apparently, I get a dopey look on my face when I think about exploiting my country. Am I... stupid?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Lost Cause
Watermelon That Hath Strayed from the Path of God
"Yeah, right," said Grandma, figuring he was just another ignorant clerk working for Wal-Mart. The clerks at Wal-Mart never have any idea what anything is, costs, or does. It's crazy. Anyway Grandma went, got another watermelon, took it to another clerk, and asked if the clerk would cut it open to check whether it was pink or yellow inside.
"Tee-hee-hee," said the clerk. Judging from Grandma's impersonation, I figured this clerk was female, "I can tell you right now that this watermelon is red because it doesn't say 'Yellow Watermelon' on its tag."
Personally, I am glad I didn't find out what happened to the clerk afterwards. Grandma's story just ended there with "So. *rolls eyes*"
Friday, June 19, 2009
Common Cold Strain 1: How many more of these kids do I have to infect?
Common Cold Strain 2: Hah? You've only done half of them yet.
Common Cold Strain 1: What! You've got to be kidding me. Of all twenty-some strains of cold I had to get stuck with the Mormon family.
Alright, so we're not Mormon. But how are common colds supposed to know that? Anyways, after two links on the chain it exhausts itself and gives up the ghost. Victory once again for the McPherson family~!
Of course I have also mapped the three people who I notice getting sick a lot. These are the three people who typically start the ball rolling:
Heather-Goes to college, picks something up around finals week, infects everyone. Lexie and I have been going to college for a year now and so far we have not picked up anything. Heather typically picks up three diseases a semester (or more depending on how many tests she has coming.)
Grace-Goes to a friend's house, picks up some disease, comes back and infects everyone. In my opinion Grace should have less friends.
Andrew-Andrew gets sick, mopes around the house until I say "Andrew! Stop acting sick! Do your job!" And then I get sick. God has a "sick" sense of humor.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Common Sense, by Glenn Beck
Gotta learn em all!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
"And Paul (Jennifer's Husband) can't lift that all by himself! It took four people last time to lift it." Grandad said, consumed by a furious passion.
"Four people? I hope you weren't one of those four because your doctor said no heavy lifting," Grandma said.
"Oh, I wasn't," said Grandad off-handedly.
"Who was?" Grandma asked.
"Oh well, Duncan," Grandad said indicating me stuffing my face with meat and peppers and walnuts and all that good stuff, "And two women who were helping."
"Who was the fourth?" Grandma asked. That was some keen calculation there. I probably couldn't do that so fast as I was busy eating.
"Hm. Let me think," Grandad said.
There was quite a long pause as Grandad thought.
"Oh well, I guess that was me," Grandad said after much deliberation.
"I have proof that the Democrats used voter fraud to steal the last North Carolina election!"
Ta-da! This could totally get my Grandad an interview on one of the four major networks.
"So?" Grandma asked.
Grandad began to explain but Grandma cut him off: "I don't want to hear politics over breakfast."
Anyways, what happened was that the State Board of Elections counted all votes that didn't have identies attached to them, which is illegal. You can technically come in and say "My name is Duncan McPherson and I would like to vote." and they would count it BUT you have to leave an address behind that is valid. It turns out that none of these voters left addresses meaning every time you look at the State Board of Elections it has inserted a plethora of voters who "registered this year" who do not have addresses. That is like leaving a path of destruction and knocked down trees when the main characters are all wondering: "Hm? Do you think there's a monster running around these woods?" Foul! These people should be thrown in prison! Grandad has sent this information to his elected official. Hopefully something will be done.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"What?" said I.
"If all the trucks were destroyed and made into trucks that didn't pollute," said Bryce.
"What!?" I exclaimed, "Where did you hear this?"
"I just think this," said Bryce.
"Was this your teacher's idea?" I asked.
"Yes," said Bryce.
Hmmmmm. Right there I felt like taking Bryce aside and explaining that the amount of coal burning necessary to generate the electricity for a truck produces more pollution that burning gasoline. Instead, I just played Pretty Pretty Princess with Meredith.
Monday, June 15, 2009
At the bottom you have redshirts, consisting of me, young republicans, republican college clubs, enthusiastic houswives, unenthusiastic bachelors, etc. We are all organized into jobs like "Block Captain," "Poll Observer," "Caller," and "Driver." Think Level 1 monsters that hang around your village and infest dungeons. Just dudes.
Overseeing us is a Precinct Chairman. He bosses us around. My Grandad is a Precinct Chairman. They all reign over a precinct and are in charge of all the redshirts in that area. Think tough battles that aren't actually dungeon bosses. They're just tough.
Then there are District Chairmen. The boss around all the precinct chairmen who rule over precincts in their district. These guys are the dungeon bosses. Don't mess with them unless you want another heart shard.
Then there are the County Chairmen. I'll let you guess what they do, but it's pretty easy to figure out. (Answer: They boss around all the district chairmen in their county. Sensing a pattern yet?) These guys are the big cahunas in their counties. We're talking "I'm guarding one of the four elements that you need to imbue with your sword. Get lost or feel the wrath of my vulnerable eye and rythmic attacks."
Then there is the North Carolina Executive Committee. Alright, so evil councils aren't typical of video games. Blah. These guys only listen to the North Carolina Chairman, Tom Fetzer, who answers to no one. This guy is like Gannon. The big boss. Don't mess around with him, PERIOD. When you get to this part of the game, stop playing. Start a new game and save over your old one. Give it up. You'll never win unless Andrew looks up his weakness online and tells you.
Teeny Bopper
By the way, what was singularly unattractive in the sequel was how the main guy's friends treated him. The guy, Jason, missed his team's baseball game even though he was the captain to practice dancing with Sharpay. So his friends completely refused to talk to him for the entire second act finally culminating in his apology. I'd just like to apologize for all the times I've been a jerk and thank all my friends for not treating me like dirt until I apologized. You guys are the best friends in the world.
P.S. Someone needs to tell Gabrielle to stop giving Sharpay long boring lectures about how she treats her friends. The only difference between Gabrielle and Sharpay is that Gabrielle's friends enjoy goonishly worshipping her and Sharpay's friends only goonishly worship her because she's rich.
Descriptive Statistics
Saturday, June 13, 2009
GOP Convention
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Drudge Report
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Finished probably
By the way, Liberty and Tyranny is your typical bestseller: Really good stuff, really boring read. Levin, the guy who wrote it, runs a really good radio show. I think he for some reason assumed that unlike radio, books are not for entertainment. So the book is singularly unentertaining but it's really good heady stuff. P.S. Dr. McClay was quoted in it. That's how intellectual it was.
Back onto the subject of the speech. Now I'm just hoping my Grandad doesn't take one look at it and tell me to rewrite it. That would be devestating.
Eugenics is "the study of, or belief in, the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)."
Yep, there's the Holocaust in a nutshell. Haeckel, from my previous post, was a eugenicist. Why is the guy even remembered? Besides his hack drawings of embryos, and later human skulls showing the evolution from monkey to human with an African skull being in the middle (The drawings were fake. African skulls actually look like European skulls.) His most famous experiment was his (failed) attempt to interbreed Africans and chimps.
The only reason he even performed his disgusting experiment was because everyone knew that Africans were humans and he (being a douche) wanted to prove otherwise! Everything Haeckel did was not only fraudulent, but only aimed to cheapen human life. This guy sucks. Hard.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Perpetuated Falsehoods III, Haeckel Strikes Back
3) Haeckel's drawings are baloney.
A relatively obscure but well respected eugenicist named Haeckel (whose other major contribution to science was the assertion that Africans were the ladder rung in between humans and animals) drew a series of pictures of embryos of varying species (human, frog, other vertebrates). He said that since they all looked the same, this proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that all vertebrates evolved from one another. As you can see, it is a completely illogical assertion. They all look the same, so what? They're blastulas for crying out loud! They are balls of tissue and balls are all typically round. So what if they look the same?
But wait, it gets better. The drawings were FAKE!!! Human embryos do NOT look like frog embryos! True, they bear slight resemblances including being made of tissue, but their shapes and forms are different. Turns out Haeckel made a woodcut of one embryo and then made several drawings of one woodcut.
Nevertheless, I am still told in Biology class that during the first trimester you can't tell what the embryo is going to grow into. If you are told this immediately interject "Um, that's a lie." I was told this same "tidbit" by three different Biology professors. The fact that I didn't know it was a lie until today makes me sick to my stomach. The fact that it is still being taught in school makes me sicker. Especially since it is often used to devalue human embryo life. OH YOU MISERABLE AND DESPICABLE PEOPLE! YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES!!
Perpeptuated Falsehoods II, the Revenge of the Statist
2) The Miller-Urey Experiment is also bunk.
I promise you, you will hear about the Miller-Urey Experiment in your Biology Class. Whoopee! I can synthesize amino acids from gases with nothing but sparks. Even before I read "Godless," I saw the fundamental error in the fact that just because you could make amino acids, doesn't mean you can create life. Coulter pointed that out and then pointed out something I didn't know: The Miller-Urey Experiment assumed the existence of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water. What evolutionary biologists actually say is in primordial air is ozone, hydrogen sulfate, and carbon dioxide along with a couple others that I can't remember. The thing is they listed all the primordial air gases in class and expected you to memorize them BUT they also expected you to know the importance of the Miller-Urey experiment that was based on premises that they had already denounced! The two-facedness is awe-inspiring.
Next time: Perpetuated Falsehood III, Haeckel Strikes Back.
Perpetuated Falsehoods
1) The Peppered Moth Experiment was bunk. This was an experiment done in London which stated that when the trees were blackened with pollution, there were more black moths in the air. When London cleaned its air, there were more white moths. This was because white moths showed up clearly against black trees so birds could spot them easier. See? Moths with a certain color are favored over moths with a less favorable color. (As you see, this proves hands down that you can eventually evolve a gecko into a German Shepherd.) As it turns out, peppered moths do not rest on trees and are not hunted by birds. They fly at night when birds are asleep and they rest on the underside of branches. Turns out the famous pictures that are touted by every biology textbook (including the one I sold to Megan) that show how distinctly a white moth stands out against black bark were staged by gluing dead moths to a tree. Peppered moths would never rest on bark of their own volition. I promise you, unless you have a really awesome nonliberal Biology teacher, you will hear the story of the peppered moths.
For more information on this subject, check out the article "The Moth That Failed," by Paul Raeburn published in the NEW YORK TIMES!!! on August 25, 2002. See also Nicholas Wade's "Staple of Evolutionary Teaching May Not Be Textbook Case" also in the New York Times, but on June 18, 2002.
Just a warning, when even the New York Times doesn't perpetuate liberal falsehood, there is something really wrong going on.
I mentioned three lies, I'll give you the other in a later blog post.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Birthday Month
Yes, it is still her birthday. Tonight we are going out to dinner, a movie (Up, which you guys have already seen), and then ice cream. The celebration will not end! It's great! Grandma thinks it is just because Aunt Jennifer wanted to take her kids to see Up. I don't blame her.
Friday, June 5, 2009
I was reading the "DO NOT OPEN THIS BOTTLE! IT CONTAINS ACID THAT EATS THROUGH FLESH" label on the paint remover Grandad and I were using on Aunt Jennifer's driveway when Meredith asked me what I was doing. When I told her that I was reading the bottle she just laughed and said "Silly Duncan! You have to say the words!" Aunt Jennifer later explained that what she meant was that to read, you have to be saying the words out loud as you read them (like all little kids all do as they begin learning to read.) Meredith is so cute.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Shakespeare, NC style
Now the only problem is putting some life into these lines. I've had it up to here with my Heather's (my "Director's") snide comments about how lifeless and dull my performance is. When I'm practicing she'll occasionally say something like "Pfft. I wonder how miserable my life would be if I was being outdone by a fourteen-year-old. (Reference to Matthew M_______.)" She's so annoying. I'm glad she is not here in NC and I can practice in relative peace. Grandma only comes in every few minutes and asks me why I'm moving my mouth obscurely.
David's computer
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Viral infection
Also, I am REALLY hoping that I have no virus on my computer. If the virus does nothing but send annoying messages to my friends, then fine. They might hate me, but they'll probably figure out what's going on pretty quickly because that particular link also includes a trojan horse for their computers. They got bugged. (Also this hacker is a terrible speller. Anyone who knows me won't even OPEN that message.) I just hope this guy isn't the type of comic who thinks its funny to completely destroy computers. THAT WOULD SUCK LIKE NOTHING ELSE.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hey, It's Ju- OH NO!!!
Duncan: Uh, Grandad? Did you know that you just hung up?
Grandad: Hm?
Somehow, I think that Webex won't be healthy for Grandad. Imagine him hosting a teleconference and hanging up before it even starts. All the other precinct chairman would be waiting for their "host" to say something only to eventually realize that he isn't there anymore. It could get hairy.