Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lost Cause

Today I went to the pool with the W's, my cousins. I just found out today that I can't do a flip. Uncle Steve told me it was OK because he had never even tried to do a flip, let alone failed at one. I failed at a billion consecutively. I've been tucking and rolling and SMACK! YOW MY BACK HURTS LIKE THE DICKENS! all day long. Flipping only halfway isn't as bad as flipping 270 degrees. I don't know if the pain in my back is sunburn or the consequences of back flopping for two hours straight.


  1. Wow, you gave that several tries! I probably would've stopped after failing once. Of course, I've never tried flipping--or diving for that matter.

  2. A friend of mine once did a belly flop by accident. His whole stomach and chest was red, and he complained about how much it hurt.
