Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My Grandad and Grandma have a back and forth argument about whether their backyard should have trees in it. Grandad doesn't want trees in his backyard. He says they shed too many leaves and obstruct the view. Grandma wants trees. They provide shade and they obstruct the view. (She doesn't like to see the neighbor's houses. She says they look "trashy.") I tend to side with Grandma because she's the one who cooks and that food tastes really good. What is your input on this dilemma?


  1. Hmm...trees do shed leaves which is annoying if you're the one who has to rake (hence your grandad's point). However, eating is important--esp. eating good food. So, if it's dinner vs. a view, I'd choose dinner.

  2. Yes, one must not bite the hand that feeds you. Personally, I've always enjoyed trees obstructing my views of other people's houses.

  3. Why don't you make a poll?
