Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shameless Plugs

This is actually a pretty bad time to be watching Fox News since both Beck and O'reilly have come out with new books and really enjoy talking about how well they are doing. Snooze. Go back to the Tiller Murder investigation and the ACORN money-embezzling scandal.

I've recently finished reading Glenn Beck's Common Sense. In it he makes the arguments that neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party stand for the American people anymore. He's calling for people to jump ship on both sides and become Independents who vote for people who run for neither party but do represent your values. What's really funny is that while all this is happening is that the Wake Republican Party is running a Turn-All-Independents-Into-Republicans Voter Registration Drive. So we're bumping into all these people who got it into their heads to jump ship and now we're dragging them back. Not working too well.

I appreciate Ann Coulter, who wrote Godless, saying when she was on Beck's show being interviewed about his book that Republicans aren't as bad as Democrats. They're moving towards Democrats but they're not as bad as they are yet. That's a distinction I'm glad she made since otherwise it makes me feel like a dummy working so hard to build up a party that everyone claims is going belly up and should go belly up.

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