Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today I babysat for the Robinsons. I took care of Anna, Bryce, and Meredith. So as I sat around the table with them irresponsibly letting them eat junk food, Bryce piped up, "Hey Duncan? You know what would be cool?"
"What?" said I.
"If all the trucks were destroyed and made into trucks that didn't pollute," said Bryce.
"What!?" I exclaimed, "Where did you hear this?"
"I just think this," said Bryce.
"Was this your teacher's idea?" I asked.
"Yes," said Bryce.
Hmmmmm. Right there I felt like taking Bryce aside and explaining that the amount of coal burning necessary to generate the electricity for a truck produces more pollution that burning gasoline. Instead, I just played Pretty Pretty Princess with Meredith.

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