Monday, June 15, 2009


Ever feel like you are part of an evil organization? Well, I'm not really part of an evil organization per se, but I am part of an organization. I'm part of the Republican Party. Yes, it sounds like it couldn't possibly be an evil organization or even analogous to an evil organization, but that is where you would be wrong.

At the bottom you have redshirts, consisting of me, young republicans, republican college clubs, enthusiastic houswives, unenthusiastic bachelors, etc. We are all organized into jobs like "Block Captain," "Poll Observer," "Caller," and "Driver." Think Level 1 monsters that hang around your village and infest dungeons. Just dudes.

Overseeing us is a Precinct Chairman. He bosses us around. My Grandad is a Precinct Chairman. They all reign over a precinct and are in charge of all the redshirts in that area. Think tough battles that aren't actually dungeon bosses. They're just tough.

Then there are District Chairmen. The boss around all the precinct chairmen who rule over precincts in their district. These guys are the dungeon bosses. Don't mess with them unless you want another heart shard.

Then there are the County Chairmen. I'll let you guess what they do, but it's pretty easy to figure out. (Answer: They boss around all the district chairmen in their county. Sensing a pattern yet?) These guys are the big cahunas in their counties. We're talking "I'm guarding one of the four elements that you need to imbue with your sword. Get lost or feel the wrath of my vulnerable eye and rythmic attacks."

Then there is the North Carolina Executive Committee. Alright, so evil councils aren't typical of video games. Blah. These guys only listen to the North Carolina Chairman, Tom Fetzer, who answers to no one. This guy is like Gannon. The big boss. Don't mess around with him, PERIOD. When you get to this part of the game, stop playing. Start a new game and save over your old one. Give it up. You'll never win unless Andrew looks up his weakness online and tells you.


  1. You should make a dark basic game based on the Republican set-up. Although, it seems like just about every RPG is modeled after the Republican party.

  2. Hey Duncan! We all miss you! We are enjoying your blogs, and Lexie says to email her SOON!

  3. I think one of the comments should be "funny" because that's the one I wanted to check.

  4. Hmmm, Duncan, I sense you have a quest coming on.

  5. I really like this post! Very Funny!
