Friday, June 19, 2009


Yeah, since Mrs. K. posted on disease in her family, I started thinking about whenever viruses hit our family. I could have left a comment, but it seemed to me to merit an entire blog post seeing as it has not much to do with the K's being sick. When McPhersons get sick, it typically does not spread to all of us. What happens is that one kid comes home with a sickness, say Andrew for example, and then the two kids on either side of him get sick, i.e. David and Duncan. Then one of the people on either side of them gets sick, i.e. Grace or Lexie. Then it stops. It just gets tired.
Common Cold Strain 1: How many more of these kids do I have to infect?
Common Cold Strain 2: Hah? You've only done half of them yet.
Common Cold Strain 1: What! You've got to be kidding me. Of all twenty-some strains of cold I had to get stuck with the Mormon family.
Alright, so we're not Mormon. But how are common colds supposed to know that? Anyways, after two links on the chain it exhausts itself and gives up the ghost. Victory once again for the McPherson family~!
Of course I have also mapped the three people who I notice getting sick a lot. These are the three people who typically start the ball rolling:
Heather-Goes to college, picks something up around finals week, infects everyone. Lexie and I have been going to college for a year now and so far we have not picked up anything. Heather typically picks up three diseases a semester (or more depending on how many tests she has coming.)
Grace-Goes to a friend's house, picks up some disease, comes back and infects everyone. In my opinion Grace should have less friends.
Andrew-Andrew gets sick, mopes around the house until I say "Andrew! Stop acting sick! Do your job!" And then I get sick. God has a "sick" sense of humor.


  1. Sounds like Heather has a tendency to get sick. Could it be Lauraitis?

  2. Interesting; it sounds like Andrew acts the same way Jacob does when he gets sick.

  3. Hi Duncan! I don't know if you check your email so I thought I would post to you here. We are all missing you SO much and love reading your posts. I'm taking Mrs. K. to tea today, which is going to be lots of fun. Can't wait to see you soon! Love, Mom
