Friday, June 26, 2009

Off to the Mountains

Tomorrow morning I'm gone. I'm all packed and ready to zoom off! So, this is to say that I might not be able to make any blog posts for the next couple of days. I know I have said this many times in the past, and I know so far all such dire predictions have come to naught, yet I feel I am obligated to warn you that it might happen anyway.

P.S. The world might end tomorrow. Don't say I didn't warn you.


  1. Did you know you can "schedule" blog posts? If, while you're composing a new post, you click on "Post options," you can type in a date and time for you blog post and then when you publish it it will delay posting until the set time.

    So, you could write up a bunch of blog posts right now, and schedule them to publish at 2-minute intervals for the whole time you'll be gome! Yeah!

  2. Hurray! Duncan is returning!

  3. Ariel you misspelled gone you wrote gome
