Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finished probably

Grandad assigned me to write a speech for a motivational tape that he'll show at neighborhood Republican barbecues to get people to sign up to volunteer. It sounds really important, right? Right. If I did this wrong nobody would sign up to help Grandad and then Grandma will continue to be given the full brunt of Grandad's volunteerism. So this was important. Anyway, essays/speeches are not my cup of tea. I am criminally bad at writing. I ought to get a life sentence for the cold-blooded murder of the English tongue. In the end, my speech looked more like a motivational book report for Liberty and Tyranny. (Which was the book my Grandad wanted me to base my speech off of.)

By the way, Liberty and Tyranny is your typical bestseller: Really good stuff, really boring read. Levin, the guy who wrote it, runs a really good radio show. I think he for some reason assumed that unlike radio, books are not for entertainment. So the book is singularly unentertaining but it's really good heady stuff. P.S. Dr. McClay was quoted in it. That's how intellectual it was.

Back onto the subject of the speech. Now I'm just hoping my Grandad doesn't take one look at it and tell me to rewrite it. That would be devestating.

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