Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Grandad came down to breakfast a few days ago and announced:
"I have proof that the Democrats used voter fraud to steal the last North Carolina election!"
Ta-da! This could totally get my Grandad an interview on one of the four major networks.
"So?" Grandma asked.
Grandad began to explain but Grandma cut him off: "I don't want to hear politics over breakfast."
Anyways, what happened was that the State Board of Elections counted all votes that didn't have identies attached to them, which is illegal. You can technically come in and say "My name is Duncan McPherson and I would like to vote." and they would count it BUT you have to leave an address behind that is valid. It turns out that none of these voters left addresses meaning every time you look at the State Board of Elections it has inserted a plethora of voters who "registered this year" who do not have addresses. That is like leaving a path of destruction and knocked down trees when the main characters are all wondering: "Hm? Do you think there's a monster running around these woods?" Foul! These people should be thrown in prison! Grandad has sent this information to his elected official. Hopefully something will be done.

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