Monday, June 8, 2009

Perpetuated Falsehoods III, Haeckel Strikes Back

Alright, here it is. The final in this exciting trilogy.

3) Haeckel's drawings are baloney.

A relatively obscure but well respected eugenicist named Haeckel (whose other major contribution to science was the assertion that Africans were the ladder rung in between humans and animals) drew a series of pictures of embryos of varying species (human, frog, other vertebrates). He said that since they all looked the same, this proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that all vertebrates evolved from one another. As you can see, it is a completely illogical assertion. They all look the same, so what? They're blastulas for crying out loud! They are balls of tissue and balls are all typically round. So what if they look the same?
But wait, it gets better. The drawings were FAKE!!! Human embryos do NOT look like frog embryos! True, they bear slight resemblances including being made of tissue, but their shapes and forms are different. Turns out Haeckel made a woodcut of one embryo and then made several drawings of one woodcut.
Nevertheless, I am still told in Biology class that during the first trimester you can't tell what the embryo is going to grow into. If you are told this immediately interject "Um, that's a lie." I was told this same "tidbit" by three different Biology professors. The fact that I didn't know it was a lie until today makes me sick to my stomach. The fact that it is still being taught in school makes me sicker. Especially since it is often used to devalue human embryo life. OH YOU MISERABLE AND DESPICABLE PEOPLE! YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES!!


  1. Sounds like a book every Biology major should read.

    The rest of us can just skip the book and ask said Biology majors to give us a really dumbed-down overview of the thing. :)

  2. Honestly, there are lots of perpetuated falsehoods out there that "prove" evolution. So many that if you put them all in books, the number of books would probably be double the size of the Eastgate library

  3. Haeckel sounds like a racist.
