Saturday, June 20, 2009

Watermelon That Hath Strayed from the Path of God

Grandma bought me another watermelon. (This is about the tenth one. Yummy.) Anyways, before I woke up Grandma cut it in half so she could feed it to me for breakfast. But then, ARGH! It turned out the inside was yellow. OH NO! So we tried to figure it out. Could it be too ripe? Not ripe enough? Rotten? Was it bearing no seeds when Jesus walked by it so he withered it? Whatever it was, we figured it wasn't good so Grandma returned it. When Grandma got her money from the clerk, the clerk said "Oh, yellow watermelon are bred that way. They're tastier than other watermelon."
"Yeah, right," said Grandma, figuring he was just another ignorant clerk working for Wal-Mart. The clerks at Wal-Mart never have any idea what anything is, costs, or does. It's crazy. Anyway Grandma went, got another watermelon, took it to another clerk, and asked if the clerk would cut it open to check whether it was pink or yellow inside.
"Tee-hee-hee," said the clerk. Judging from Grandma's impersonation, I figured this clerk was female, "I can tell you right now that this watermelon is red because it doesn't say 'Yellow Watermelon' on its tag."
Personally, I am glad I didn't find out what happened to the clerk afterwards. Grandma's story just ended there with "So. *rolls eyes*"


  1. "They're tastier than other watermelon." And the color makes a difference in the taste because...? It's like if the clerk said, "Oh yeah, green M&Ms taste better than red ones." Seriously, color contributes to sight, not taste!

  2. In response to the previous comment, I'm presuming that the yellow color of watermelon is a side effect from farmers growing the said fruit in a different way. The watermelon is yellow because of the taste, not that it tastes a certain way because of the color. The color has since then become an identifier between your normal watermelon and your yellow watermelon. Thus, your example concerning M&Ms is faulty and cannot be counted as valid.

  3. Right, thanks. I get the color/side-effect thing; in fact, I already understood that that was probably the case. I was kind of trying to joke. I was not making some kind of weird logical argument. I could preface all comments that aren't meant to be serious with an awesome smiley-face like this one :)

  4. Ariel is always making jokes like that, Lexie.
