Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh the things liberals think

I've just gotten here and I've already learned dozens of depressing things that have happened in the last few days. Here's a few.

1. Acorn is heading the census. I already knew this from my depressing newspaper but I didn't know that you weren't allowed to help in the census if you were law enforcement, intimidation group (makes sense, but when liberals say intimidation group they mean AAA womens' services not Black Panther (see point 2.)), or anti-illegal immigration groups. You see, someone who is against illegal imigration would probably not count the illegal immigrants as registered voters.

2. There is a group called the Black Panther Party that used scare tactics to keep white people from the polls during the last presidential cycle. The charges were just dropped recently which turned the thing into a big affair. As one of Grandad's talk radio people put it, it's not smart politics to prosecute the people who got you elected.

3. Just the other day the first male was elected as prom queen. A gay guy in Los Angelos. Darn.

4. It was actually a good thing that the North won the Civil War. Double darn.

5. I now have over $500,000 dollars in debt to pay for the rest of my life and the number is growing.

6. Did you know that Andrew Lambert was gay? I didn't. I didn't even care who he was. I just knew he was a good singer.

7. A new Supreme Court Justice is on her way and just the other day she made a racial slur against whites. Terrific.

8. Kim Jong-Il launched another nuclear missile the other day. That makes six, according to John Bolton, the only person who is counting. What else is new?

9. The nice British lady singer had a breakdown. The nice British prince headed Memorial day at the Twin Towers. The nice British economy is collapsing. Yay Britain!

All of this is getting depressing. According to my prediction there will be a war about something. I don't know what yet. It could be national debt, abortion, whatever. I only know that this nation is tearing itself apart and it will soon be torn apart. There's only one thing that can truly symbolize the entirety of my depression: A sad emoticon. :(

Have a couple more for the road. :( :( :( :( :(


  1. Of course it was good that the North won the Civil War! Which is more important? The life of the slaves--fellow human beings created in the image of God, or "States' Rights"? By the way, States' rights to do what, exactly? Secede. Yeah OK, states have the right to secede, but why are they seceding? Because they want to keep their slaves. So in effect, the Civil War was, for the South, a war for states' rights to deny the rights of human beings, created by God in his own image. Really noble secession there, South.

    Yes, it was definitely a good thing that the North won--especially if you happened to be the slave of one of the Southerners.

  2. Yeah, the Black Panthers are a murderous bunch of poltroons who claim to be honest citizens. They also claim all the problems in this world are white people's fault.

  3. .... So much for positive posts. :(

  4. now I'M so depressed....

    I may have to become a democrat just so I can breathe. The weight of Republican pessimsim is crushing me. Please, oxygen,sunshine....

    Save me, Barack.

  5. THAT is what is wrong with this country, people are atributing all kinds of powers and abilities to obama that he doesn't have.
