Monday, May 4, 2009

Tears of Blood

I'm been having this vision over and over: A computer is trudging slowly out of the darkness, tears of blood are flowing down its face.

Help me...

Help me...

To begin recovery press F11...

And then I wake up in a cold sweat. I think this vision I'm having means something!

No, before you ask, I haven't really been having this vision over and over. It was a lie/joke. But the weird thing is that when we were doing our seance to resurrect Papaya's mind, we discovered that he had two minds. One was a Compact and the other was the XP Papaya that I knew so well. Anyways, we tried resurrecting Papaya and all that would come up was a Compact that did nothing but show us its loading screens and then say: "To begin recovery press F11." We followed this instruction several times and even pressed every other key on the keyboard just in case it was mistaken, but it was to no avail. So, you're probably thinking we should just exorcise this emo ghost, and we probably would have if Papaya wasn't already dead. It doesn't really matter now so we'll probably just let it rest in peace. Though, I'd appreciate it if this ghost wasn't so stuck on keeping us from seeing our friend Papaya-chan again.

P.S. I bet you're all wondering how this ghost got stuck in my computer in the first place. It's all because of my uncle Billy and his failed attempts at human transmutation. Hmph.


  1. Your computer is weeping blood! Whoa, Uncle Billy must've done something really bizzare. Hasn't anyone told him that human transmutation never works?

  2. How would you know, Ariel?
