Thursday, May 7, 2009


Yesterday, Luke got his hair cut. Coincedentally he also got sick. He was lying on the boys' room floor all day yesterday without the ability to get up. Every now and then one of the older boys would kick him and tell him to move whereupon he would tell them he couldn't. After one episode of this I realized that he was sick and just left him alone. (I know what you're thinking: A good brother would have carried him to his bed. His bed, however, is about eight feet off the ground.)

Because I am his logic teacher he naturally had not learned to avoid the logical fallacy "Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc." Every time someone told him to move he would say: "This hair is making me dizzy." This statement is actually the only reason I wrote this blog post because it is such an obvious logical mistake. Luke has the tendency to say things which don't make any sense and make me laugh.


  1. "This hair is making me dizzy?" :) Well, I suppose it must seem like a pretty good application of cause and effect to him.

    Poor Luke. Sounds a lot like what I had; the first day I got sick, I was lying on the floor too and told Mom that I couldn't move, and it's not like my bed is eight feet off the floor, either. Hopefully he's not sick for too long.

  2. Ariel has been sick for a week now, Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!
