Friday, May 29, 2009

Camera Camera

There's one thing I miss about my siblings: Easily available guinea pigs. Grandad said that I'm going to record a video about getting excited about the Republican party. It doesn't sound very exciting and exciting has never been Grandad's strong suit (Grandad's Super Program is a white background with black text. I know what you're thinking, it needs pin people, right?) so the script will probably bore everyone who listens to it instead of motivating them. Oh no!

But back to the guinea pig business. Grandad has told me to experiment with and get comfortable with this camera. The only person I have to videotape is... well, Grandad. Not only that but when I say "Just say something, anything" he says something like "Today is June 3rd, and I'm here in Triangle Commons at the Tea Party. We're giving out swell prizes to lucky people who come so stop on by. Is it recording?" (Exact quote.) There are just a few problems, it's May 29th, we're in his house, and we won't be showing this clip to anyone so it is like advertising gone to waste. It's like he can't open his mouth without advertising for the Republican Party. I love it.


  1. "Getting excited about the Republican Party." Who are you going to film, your grandad? Because it sounds like he doesn't know how to get excited.

    I wonder what your siblings would think of being referred to as guinea pigs.

  2. You could film yourself, OR you could film yourself filming yourself, yeah.
