Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bad Passenger

I've come to the conclusion that I am a pretty good driver and everyone else is simply a bad passenger with a bunch of bad attitudes. While driving with Heather she said to me: "If I have to scream one more time, I will never take you driving again." I thought to myself "Well, you don't HAVE to scream, you only do that because you're retarded."

In addition I was driving somewhere I had never driven before and Heather gave me the wrong instructions. She told me to get into the right lane, which turned out to be a right turn only lane to get onto the interstate going the direction opposite to the one we wanted to go, so she yelled a bit and had me merge two lanes of traffic to get into the left lane which would turn onto the interstate going the right direction. Pssh.

Also, she is unduly obsessed with how I drive too close to the right side of the lane. "Duncan," she screams, "I am like SEVEN INCHES away from the car next to me!"
"Well, duh," I think, "The lanes are only a foot or two wider than our car."
The dumbest thing is that if I went any farther left I would crash into a concrete wall.
"You have a shoulder there and then a concrete wall," she sniffs airily. Personally, I would rather let the fast moving car to the right of me shave off the right side of the car and get rid of this annoying passenger.


  1. Hmm...I would sympathize, except that this is one of the things that I tend to mess up on. Although, I've figured it out now. But I've been know to whack the right side-view mirror on some shrubs in a parking-lot exit so hard that the side-view mirror collapsed, or to drive so far to the right that I ran over the drains next to the curb.

    I've had several problems with bad directions from the "nice" passenger who was taking me driving. In fact, I now have another idea for a blog post sometime.

  2. Maybe you should drive with my dad, or maybe even me! Of course, driving with me would be illegal because I'm not 21. Oh well. (sigh)
