Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

Hey hey hey! Happy May Day! I bet that none of you remembered to say "Rabbit Rabbit" this morning. That's bad luck for you. Heh. (I forgot too. :P) Actually, I bet you didn't know about this little known Irish superstition. The first thing you say on the first day of the month needs to be "Rabbit Rabbit." If you do this, then you will have good luck that month. It would be great to have good luck, but I never remember to say it. Andrew always says that he said it, but if Andrew says "Rabbit Rabbit" and no one was around to hear him, does he make a sound? The answer is no.

Anyways, it's mayday. Someday I would like to sneak up to a girl's house early in the morning and leave a large May Day Basket there, but as of yet I have no driver's license so it would have to be a girl in the neighborhood. There is no girl in this neighborhood who even remotely appeals to me, so I'll have to wait until I have a driver's license to leave a May Day basket. Maybe, I could be a wussy pansy and leave one for my mom or something...

The only really cool thing happening this May Day is that Alexie is bothering Heather with talk of pagan worship. I don't know how Alexie knows all this stuff, but it's really fascinating and gross. Since I enjoy listening to her talk, she seldom tells me about it. Instead she tells Heather who does NOT want to hear this stuff. Alexie's favorite anecdote is how last October at our Fall Festival we had a maypole. At the time, Heather said we didn't want to do anything "Pagan" like Halloween that would offend anyone. Alexie likes to point out that maypoles are actually used in Pagan rituals. In comparison to maypoles, Halloween is harmless. This begs the question: "How come so many people hate Halloween and not maypoles?" Hmmm.


  1. "May Day." Hmm...I've never even heard of that before. You should have reminded us all to say "Rabbit Rabbit" yesterday. Now it's a bit too late. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to have bad luck this month.

  2. so, how are May poles used in pagan rituals? I guess I'll have to ask Lexie

  3. You wouldn't happen to be talking about a specific girl, now would you? Perhaps one who lives in my neighborhood. . .
