Tuesday, May 12, 2009

David's Game

Okay, the first thing on the list of positive topics is David's new homemade game. It is lots of fun. There is no point, or goal, or anything, it is just a lot of throwing-giant-blocks-onto-your-younger-brothers type fun. David is constantly upgrading it, adding new blocks, making it more complex, ridding it of bugs, etc. so that every time I play it is is new and exciting. The main shazam of the game is that if you attach certain blocks to each other they will do something cool, so therefore you can create big complex machines and take over your 40 x 40 square world. For some reason, I always get stuck under large amounts of blocks, which isn't fun.

It is the most brotherly game I have ever played because one second you are helping someone by getting them out from underneath a large pile of blocks, and the next second you are throwing them all on top of him again. Maybe this is what it means to be a family.


  1. Hey, I think this new, positive outlook thing is working. I think I'd have a hard time being both positive and interesting. But, you've got it!

    Just an interesting random comment, our grandparents gave us a Wii game last Christmas that sounds a lot like David's game. I think the Wii people ripped him off. It's a fun game, though. There's just something inherently entertaining in throwing blocks. Why else is it one of the first things a two-year-old discovers? "Wait a second. Forget building these lame-o towers; I'm going to see how far I can toss the blocks!"

  2. @Ariel

    Would this game happen to be "Boom Blocks?" I think that's the name, at least...

  3. This game of David's sounds incredibly boring.
