Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oh happiness!

Just the other day I got help via phone from Uncle Billy to recover the hard drive of the computer that has strayed from the path of God. It was really complicated and stuff, but it all worked out in the end. I have now recovered a lot of things that I probably didn't need. The most important thing I've recovered, however, is the data for SUPER PROGRAM!!!

This summer he will undergo and alteration... He will become more powerful, less flippant, able to calculate scores within seconds, efficient enough not to exit every ten seconds for lack of memory, with the capacity to sort people into pods based on who they have already fenced and who they need to fence, putting everyone's scores into separate areas so that you can't easily compare them, and it will probably solve World Hunger too. Of course, Don Heath Bar will probably not allow Super Program (Or his new altered improved Uber-ified name) to see the light of day if she has anything to do with it, but hey, what's a super hero without a super villain?


  1. YES, we all tremble in fear of Don Heath Bar.

  2. Hmm... I guess your uncle Billy's attemps at human transmutation worked after all.

    Wait. The most important thing that you had on your computer was Super Program? You must use your computer for some rather pointless, superfluous tasks.
