Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Long Hill to Climb

Recently I've started setting goals for myself. They're things like "Work out for 30 minutes every day" and "Spend 30 minutes going over notes every day." or habits you want to break like "Don't hit your siblings." I even have this neat-o site called "" that I found in WORLD magazine. (Federal Law requires that you write WORLD magazine's name in all caps.) It gives you little smiley faces when you complete your goal and little sad faces when you don't. Recently I've stopped going to the site because 1: I never fulfill any of the positive goals so I have no checks to put down, 2: I always fulfill the negative goals and it depresses me putting a check down that shows me how bad I'm doing and 3: It gets depressing looking at all the little red sad faces looking at you.

The reason for all this is that I procrastinate like crazy. I say stuff to myself like "I'll start working out methodically tomorrow" or "I'll stop beating up my siblings like crazy tomorrow." "Just one day more" ought to be my motto.

Recently I put down a negative goal saying "Don't Procrastinate." That one hasn't made much progress. It's kind of circular. I don't stop procrastinating because I procrastinate on stopping procrastinating. It's a vicious cycle.


  1. Hmm... sounds like me, "I'm going to start practicing violin for 2 hours every day--starting tomorrow!"

    I've really procrastinated on the stopping procrastination thing; I've decided that I won't procrastinate next school year. Not because not procrastinating is really that important to me, but I expect that college-level procrastination doesn't work very well. It's ok, though; I have several months before the deadline for that goal is reached. So, I don't have to worry about "sad faces" until August!

  2. You weirdos! Just schedule everything out so that you can do one portion each day.
