Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

Hey, there's an epidemic spreading through the country. It is not only very dangerous and incurable but it has a really dumb name. It's right now competing with the Avian Flu. That's a pretty dumb name too. It should be called the Demon Flu or the Older Sister Flu or something else that really strikes fear into the heart of victims. You know, then the doctor could say "You have the Death Flu. It currently has no cure." Whereupon the victims would show symptoms of nausea and fainting.

Currently, Mom is afraid that we have it so she wants us not to contaminate anyone until after Heather's graduation party on Sunday. Personally, I'm not that scared because I have a Super Immune System. It's so awesome that I suspect that I programmed it myself when I wasn't looking. It works something like this:

If LargeAnnoyingLookingAppointment=1
Sickness = 1
Sickness = 0

I don't get sick when I'm having fun, off from school, or looking down the barrel of the most important test of the year (SAT, ACT, finals, etc.) I'm hoping that my friends will get better in time for their finals. I could always loan them my immune system if I could only find my USB port.


  1. Ariel is feeling much better today. She gets sick easily, but as if her immune system uses it for a tune-up. It doesn't matter what she gets, the next day she "back to work."

  2. So, if you are not sick, then who is? By the way, I also have a good immune system.

  3. You're not supposed to contaminate anyone until after Heather's graduation party. So, does that mean you're all locked up in a closet until Monday?

    Who does your mom think you got the Swine Flu from anyway? I hope not from me. Because I'm suddenly fine! I get sick fairly often, but usually I still do schoolwork anyway, and if I can't, I'm usually never "out" for more than 24 hours.

    If that was the Swine Flu, then it's really hyped up over nothing, but it couldn't possibly have been. The worst part of whatever that was, was being dizzy for 48 hours before I got sick at all. And, so far no one else here is sick. So that's good. Are you all ok? You should all wear allergy masks whenever you visit us just in case, to avoid contaminants. You never know what weird sickness we'll try to pass off on you next! :)

  4. Ariel, you're almost always "dizzy"
