Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sometimes as I wander around campus someone will comment on my shirt and I will only just realize that I have been wearing a statement. For example, right now I am wearing my shirt with a face of Ronald Reagan on it. Earlier in the semester a random guy in my class complimented me for it. It turned out that he was the president of the College Republicans and invited me to join it. Weird coincedences. I haven't taken him up on it and am trying to avoid talking to him because it seems kind of rude not to show up to a club when you are personally invited.

Other shirts I have include shirts with Winston Churchill quotes on the back, dozens of mildly pro-life shirts, one shirt that is rabidly pro-life: As a former fetus, I oppose abortion!, shirts with Republican logos like Don't Tread on Me! and Viva la Revolucion!, etc.

I also noticed that in class I am always acting like there are two sides to the argument. You know, keep your head down, when your teacher says something slightly controversial and some student somewhere in the back makes some sort of moron comment picking a fight with everyone in the room, just ignore them. Or if I am called upon to answer a question that I could totally pick fights on, usually questions on politics and current events, I tend to give measured answers. However my shirts betray me. No matter how measured and reasonable I act I am in truth a Rabid Republican.

1 comment:

  1. Your a rabid Christian, Duncan, and that's more important than being a rabid Republican.
