Friday, July 31, 2009

Wow, I'm tired

The reason I haven't blogged at all in nearly a week is that I've been attending Shakespeare camp this week. The first performance is tonight, woo hoo. Of course, I always stumble home and then collapse somewhere where I commence to pant heavily as if I had just won a marathon. Since the performance is tonight there is no practice in the morning, so I can blog.

P.S. It doesn't seem to strike anyone else that the Twelfth Night cast will still be practicing when Winter's Tale comes to do the make-up for their performance.

Friday, July 24, 2009

2D vs. 3D

It seems that whenever I ask Andrew about a game I'm working on, he always has the same objection to it. I used to make all my programs in 2D because it is infinitely easier so Andrew would always complain "Why is it in 2D? It'd be so much more exciting in 3D" Recently I created a game for Luke, my brother, to teach him math facts and his chief complaint (besides his gripe that Luke wouldn't want to play an educational game so I was wasting my time) was "what's wrong with 2D?" Well, I don't know Andrew. You tell me.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

Right now, my best friend Luke is probably somewhere in between the land of dreams and waking, so here are a couple of irrevelant and untrue facts to tell him so that when he comes back to his senses in a week or two he won't know what's true and what isn't. You must say it like so:

"Guess what, Luke! Duncan was elected UTC school body president!"

"Hey, Luke! It's Sunday!"

"Hey Luke, good morning!" (Said in evening)

"Guess what, Luke! Ariel decided to become an oral-maxillofascist surgeon!"

"Hey Luke, the McPhersons are expecting another baby! Isn't that great?" (lie, FYI)

"Hey Luke, Jacob won Spelunky!" (We all know that's impossible, but hey, Luke's on pretty strong drugs.)

"Hey Luke, got your books? Classes start tomorrow!"

"Sorry Luke, I broke your __________"

OK, guys, don't really, but it would be really funny. (for me. Not for you, Luke, or whoever would have to explain all this stuff to Luke.)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's all in the angles

Today I'll be pushing for a drive to RUF tonight. One problem is that no one ever wants to drive me anywhere so you have to frame it in new terms. I'll play the religious card on this one, protesting that any excuse to attend a church event is a good one and it is beneficial for my spiritual self to attend this meeting. I just hope it works. Alexie probably won't be impressed, but if I singularly impress my mother, Alexie will have to drive me anyway.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Ta-da! Despite the fact that none of you want to know this much useless information about me, I decided to post it anyway! If you don't already know all this stuff, you're not missing anything. Read on at the expense of a large number of otherwise free-to-learn-interesting-facts-about-life-and-God brain cells.


What is your favorite salad dressing?

Cucumber Ranch. (What a random first question.)

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?

Ryan's, of course! Although, I don't often go there unless I do something really special like graduate from high school or defeat Lord Voldemort.

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
Ramen, because I often do eat ramen for 2 weeks straight and I'm still not sick of it.

What are your pizza toppings of choice?

Mmmmm, Papa John's Pepperoni Pizza is so good.

What do you like to put on your toast?

Peanut butter and honey. I have been doing so since time began.


How many televisions are in your house?


What color cell phone do you have?

Black, the color of despair.

What does the first text message in your in box say and who sent it?
I don't text. I don't think I even can text.

Who was the last person to call you?
Hello, the law requires us to tell you that this is a debt collection agency...


Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

My wisdom teeth, I suppose.

What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A bunch of boxes of steak and other meats for Angel Food Ministries.


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?

Sure, why not? Information is power.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
If I HAD to change my name due to extenuating circumstances I'd change it to Logan Craft. It dances on the tongue quite nicely.

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Of course I would! Who WOULDN'T!?


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

Whenever Dad buys a new pair of flip-flops I wear it out to the mailbox to get the mail and then he can supposedly never wear them again because I ruined them or something. So he buys another new pair. I own about... Five and a half pairs.

When is the last time you had a run in with the cops?

When I drove through a store window.

Last person you talked to in person?

Dad, asking me whether I came into his room to talk to him or only check the computer.

Favorite Month(s)?

Fall. September-December


Missing someone?
Missing you. I ain't missing you. I ain't missing you at all. Missing you. Missing you. Missing you. No matter what my friends might say~!

Braindead. I've been reading all day and that always does a number on me.

What are you listening to?
Someone setting the table for dinner.

I'm on the computer, dolt-survey. I'm not watching anything.

Worrying about?
Andrew just frolicked into the room.


Last movie you saw?
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, OH YEH~!

Do you smile often?
Are you kidding? I can't stop! Not even if I just discovered that my fiancee is already cheating on me the night before the wedding!

Do you always answer your phone?
I never answer my phone.

It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Hello, the law requires us to inform you that this is a debt collection agency...

If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I take pride in my beautiful blue eyes.

Do you own a digital camera?
Yes. I haven't used it since last Random Fun, though.

Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yeah, Lexie won it at a carnival but it was dead before it got home.

Favorite Christmas song
Probably Garth Brooks' "Baby Jesus is Born."

What’s on your wish list for your birthday?
I already possess everything I could want.

Can you do pushups?
Yes, I can do approximately 50. (Yeh, it's lame.)

Can you do a chin up?
I can do approximately 5. (Yeh, it's lamer.)

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
The future excites me. I can't wait for everything I'm preparing for to take effect.

What is the last song to make you cry?
I don't think any song has ever made me cry. The last time I felt sad while listening to a song was the "There Goes My Life" ending. Even though no one died.

Plans tonight?
RUF, BABY! I successfully got Mom to FORCE Lexie into driving me. (P.S. During the whole conversation, Heather refused to drive me because I was being "manic" and "manipulatory.")

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yes. I doubt I ever have though. Things could always have gotten worse.

Name three things you bought yesterday.
Pizza for lunch, a ticket to Half-Blood Prince, and uh... a second piece of pizza for lunch (I guess.)

Have you ever been given roses?
I've been given flowers but I can't tell the difference between one flower and the next. They might have been carnations because that's the state flower of Garth McPherson.

Do you have an accent?
Since I live in the South, you could say I have a "General" accent which means I sound like I come Northern Virginia. (or the Midwest.)

Current hate right now?
Being tired.

What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
Listening to bible verses in my sleep. I still can't recite any of them though.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Last week I was at art class every night, learning about American Artwork. So, after hearing it all I thought to myself, "This doesn't sound so hard."

See, to be an artist all I need is a camera and someone willing to be moved around so that they're sitting in a triangle-typish shape (usually more like two perpendicular lines, but hey, if it's art, it is a triangle.) So I'd find something flat like a table or whatever and then make them sit at it so it appears that their head is at the point of a triangle. (It doesn't matter where you put the head, because it will always make a triangle with the table, even if the triangle has to flatten out until a + b =c, which is by definition a line.)

I might also consider putting the camera on the floor to add some "gravitas" to my pictures. I now have new appreciation for those pictures that people take of themselves where they hold the camera at a bizarre upward angle so that they look really weird. They're just looking at themselves "from a new perspective."

And then I just need to put my model up against a blob of color to make some sort of "halo" around them. Doesn't sound so hard, although I can't imagine where I'd find a blob of color. Maybe I could just add a couple sails to our house...

Admittedly, I've never been to Paris, but so what? I can just say that I have rejected European models of thinking.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Life in general

Yawn, it's morning. Life goes on as usual. Mom is teaching, that's what she's always doing. Andrew is being taught, per usual. I can hear him reciting his Shakespeare part. Mom just called Lexie and reminded her to do class with Emily. Any second, she'll walk in and ask me where Luke is and whether he's finished with his math. Heather is still asleep, and she's probably still mad. I told her over and over that I didn't wipe snot on her bag, which is true, but she doesn't listen. (How's that for a weird statement. It's a long story so I won't bother boring you with it. Just be assured, I did not do anything so morbidly disgusting.) I think Luke is now asking Mom a question. That'll speed up the Mom-comes-looking-for-Duncan process. Looks like I've got to go. I can't put off teaching Luke any longer.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dad, the King of Traffic Signs

For the past few days we have been in Washington D.C. travelling around to all the museums, as you all probably know if you have been reading my blog. The entire trip Dad would save his parking spot at the hotel we were staying at by putting a "No Parking. Violators will be towed." sign in front of his parking spot whenever we left to get groceries or see a museum or something. That's kind of weird. Who's going to enforce that? I have no doubt that our van is large enough to tow away a car, but ever since Dad drove through standing water, we haven't been able to drive uphill without the power conking out. How could we tow a car? Anyway, some guy from New York moved the sign and parked in Dad's special spot anyway. Dad was really upset. Stupid New York.

Friday, July 10, 2009

National Museum of American History

Today, we went to the National Museum of American History. Neat-o. It was the same group as yesterday. It strikes me as odd that none of the people in our group are our cousins/extended family despite the fact that we are on a family reunion. Weird. The most exciting thing that happened today was when I nearly missed getting onto the metro. What happened was that an enormous obnoxious school group flooded off the train at our exit. By the time they were all off, it was time for the train to leave. The rest of my family got on but the doors shut before I got on. Luckily, the doors opened back up and I hopped on. Phew. Too much excitement there.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

National Gallery of Natural History

Yeah, we went there today. Heather, Lexie, Mom, David, and I went there at 10:00 today. At 1:00, the womenfolk left to see the National Gallery of Art, but David and I figured we hadn't had enough time to see everything so we skipped the National Gallery of Art. He he. Alright, so we got back today and one of our aunts asked what we had learned. Mom piped up, "We learned the difference between a brontosaurus and a wooly mammoth! Their teeth!" I wanted to add, "Yeah, and cause the brontosaurus is an enormous lizard with a really long neck and thick legs with scales while a wooly mammoth is an elephant with enormous tusks and thick fur." Instead I said, "No, Mom. That was the mastodon and the mammoth." As you can see, Mom never had the advantage of slamming plastic figures of dinosaurs against each other while saying "Raaa! Raaa!" like me.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Washington D.C.

I arrived in Washington D.C. a few hours ago. Ta-da! Here I am. One thing I learned quickly is that the entire thing is greatly democratized. Everything runs on clean energy and the democrat work ethic has permeated most walks of life. For example, we went to a pool where after 45 minutes of work, a life guard would take 15 minutes of break when no one could get in the pool. Dad had strong opinions on the issue.

Speaking of politics, I found out what class I'm taking next semester to fill up my last three hours. POLS at 5:30-8:00 on Tuesday. Andrew needs the computer now, so I'm scramming.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Something Odd

Alright so something odd happened this morning. First Emily walked into the room and shouted "Breakfast Time!" This isn't odd because Emily is often sent up to wake everyone up for breakfast. Andrew is sent more often because he's always awake before everyone else and is readily available for parent exploitation, but I digress. She then followed it up by saying "There are doughnuts!" This isn't odd either because you never know when there will be doughnuts because you never know when Dad will buy them because you never know when they will be on sale. So it's like, whatever. Then Grace barged in and shouted "There are no doughnuts nor is it breakfasttime!" This one took me a while to sort out. I finally figured from all the shouting that Grace and Emily were doing that Emily wanted to play Pokemon with the boys and Grace wanted to make sure we could all sleep by yelling at Emily. Yes, the kids have played a weird self-designed board game about Pokemon obsessively for a couple days now. Dad has even outlawed it. Now that's odd.

Anyways, Emily ran off crying to Mom who shouted up the stairs that it WAS breakfasttime and there WERE doughnuts. And it was true. The end.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I haven't done much with my spare time this summer. I've had plenty of family reunions and stuff but with all my spare time, I haven't done anything. I've read some books, played some games, and watched some movies from Netflix, but that's pretty much it. I haven't created anything, which makes me sad. I think from here on out I'm going to make some stuff. That'll be fun. I guess I'll work on Super Program and rejuvenate some projects that were left a long time ago. Projects, projects, which one shall I do first? Hmmmmm.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hello? Testing, Testing, 1 2 3

I'm just a stupid blog post that was scheduled to post later than I was written. La la la la la.

Hey! I'm going to Psychotic Fun today! Yahoo! I don't know why it is called Psychotic Fun, though. I'll know when I get there.

Hm. I had a story about socks and Andrew saying something stupid, but I can't remember it now. So that blog post dies.

Uh-oh. School time with Luke. Got to go.

Luck of the Devil

When we were on the family reunion the powers that be decided that all the kids would make a movie. Heather wrote a script for it, which had such a lame premise that every boy in the cast quit. Heather quit right after that and told us to make our own movie. So it was down to Kaitlin, Anna, Grace, and Kathryn. They wrote a script for a murder mystery. It wasn't a murder mystery like Murder She Wrote or Hercule Poirot or anything. It was more like Nancy Drew or some little kid mystery book or something. The plot was really convoluted and stuff. Anyways, I played the dangerous psychopathic person who errantly believed he had murdered his sister because his aunt told him so.

By the way, parents, I know that if any of these girls actually discovered a dangerous psychopath had murdered his own sister, they wouldn't confront him about it. They would know to contact a reasonable adult.

Anyway, all the filming was done in the three hours before it was supposed to be shown to the parents. It was really rushed. In fact, they got home while we were still editing it. We needed to save it to a CD, which took 30 minutes but we needed to show the parents the movie. What did we do to keep them from taking their children home to bed since it was after 10:00?

Well, here's where the luck of the devil factors in. Grandad and Grandma had this brilliant idea to create a three-hour slideshow presentation chronicling Grandma's entire life through pictures. Some of those pictures could qualify as antiques. So while the entire family sat through a presentation that I had already seen twice, I was downstairs poking Andrew and trying to make him make the computer save faster. (Not really. That was a joke. I was just down there glaring at the computer screen as it saved sloooooooooooooooooowly.)

In the end it all worked out. I'm still waiting to see if I live happily ever after, though.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Door in the Wall

Halfway through the trip in NC, Andrew sent me an e-mail saying "Luke is very excited. He can't wait for you to get back to tell you that all the clothing in the boys' closet was moved around." Alright, I thought. That's pretty boring but I'll pretend to be excited when Luke attacks me when I get home.

So I got home. "Duncan! Duncan!" quoth Luke, "Guess what?"

"Ah, the clothes were moved around in the closet, weren't they?" said I, once again displaying my psychic powers.

"Yeah, and now there's a door there!" said Luke.

Well, Andrew later told me he didn't think that was an important detail. You know, having a door put into your house, being able to access attic space that you have never used before, stuff like that. Weird.

P.S. I scheduled four posts to appear while I was gone, but they didn't. I am so disgusted with these posts. I deleted all four of them.