Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Door in the Wall

Halfway through the trip in NC, Andrew sent me an e-mail saying "Luke is very excited. He can't wait for you to get back to tell you that all the clothing in the boys' closet was moved around." Alright, I thought. That's pretty boring but I'll pretend to be excited when Luke attacks me when I get home.

So I got home. "Duncan! Duncan!" quoth Luke, "Guess what?"

"Ah, the clothes were moved around in the closet, weren't they?" said I, once again displaying my psychic powers.

"Yeah, and now there's a door there!" said Luke.

Well, Andrew later told me he didn't think that was an important detail. You know, having a door put into your house, being able to access attic space that you have never used before, stuff like that. Weird.

P.S. I scheduled four posts to appear while I was gone, but they didn't. I am so disgusted with these posts. I deleted all four of them.


  1. I wondered what happened to your scheduled blog posts. When you scheduled them did you hit "save as draft" or "publish post"? Because it won't schedule them if it thinks they're still drafts.

    Of course, the cause could be some kind of blogspot glitch thing. Actually, I showed Mom how to schedule posts a couple months ago, and she's done that regularly for a while. And still, when she scheduled a blog post the other day, it didn't work. It must be some kind of conspiracy!

  2. Blogspot does have a lot of gliches.
