Monday, July 20, 2009


Ta-da! Despite the fact that none of you want to know this much useless information about me, I decided to post it anyway! If you don't already know all this stuff, you're not missing anything. Read on at the expense of a large number of otherwise free-to-learn-interesting-facts-about-life-and-God brain cells.


What is your favorite salad dressing?

Cucumber Ranch. (What a random first question.)

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?

Ryan's, of course! Although, I don't often go there unless I do something really special like graduate from high school or defeat Lord Voldemort.

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
Ramen, because I often do eat ramen for 2 weeks straight and I'm still not sick of it.

What are your pizza toppings of choice?

Mmmmm, Papa John's Pepperoni Pizza is so good.

What do you like to put on your toast?

Peanut butter and honey. I have been doing so since time began.


How many televisions are in your house?


What color cell phone do you have?

Black, the color of despair.

What does the first text message in your in box say and who sent it?
I don't text. I don't think I even can text.

Who was the last person to call you?
Hello, the law requires us to tell you that this is a debt collection agency...


Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

My wisdom teeth, I suppose.

What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A bunch of boxes of steak and other meats for Angel Food Ministries.


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?

Sure, why not? Information is power.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
If I HAD to change my name due to extenuating circumstances I'd change it to Logan Craft. It dances on the tongue quite nicely.

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Of course I would! Who WOULDN'T!?


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

Whenever Dad buys a new pair of flip-flops I wear it out to the mailbox to get the mail and then he can supposedly never wear them again because I ruined them or something. So he buys another new pair. I own about... Five and a half pairs.

When is the last time you had a run in with the cops?

When I drove through a store window.

Last person you talked to in person?

Dad, asking me whether I came into his room to talk to him or only check the computer.

Favorite Month(s)?

Fall. September-December


Missing someone?
Missing you. I ain't missing you. I ain't missing you at all. Missing you. Missing you. Missing you. No matter what my friends might say~!

Braindead. I've been reading all day and that always does a number on me.

What are you listening to?
Someone setting the table for dinner.

I'm on the computer, dolt-survey. I'm not watching anything.

Worrying about?
Andrew just frolicked into the room.


Last movie you saw?
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, OH YEH~!

Do you smile often?
Are you kidding? I can't stop! Not even if I just discovered that my fiancee is already cheating on me the night before the wedding!

Do you always answer your phone?
I never answer my phone.

It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Hello, the law requires us to inform you that this is a debt collection agency...

If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I take pride in my beautiful blue eyes.

Do you own a digital camera?
Yes. I haven't used it since last Random Fun, though.

Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yeah, Lexie won it at a carnival but it was dead before it got home.

Favorite Christmas song
Probably Garth Brooks' "Baby Jesus is Born."

What’s on your wish list for your birthday?
I already possess everything I could want.

Can you do pushups?
Yes, I can do approximately 50. (Yeh, it's lame.)

Can you do a chin up?
I can do approximately 5. (Yeh, it's lamer.)

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
The future excites me. I can't wait for everything I'm preparing for to take effect.

What is the last song to make you cry?
I don't think any song has ever made me cry. The last time I felt sad while listening to a song was the "There Goes My Life" ending. Even though no one died.

Plans tonight?
RUF, BABY! I successfully got Mom to FORCE Lexie into driving me. (P.S. During the whole conversation, Heather refused to drive me because I was being "manic" and "manipulatory.")

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yes. I doubt I ever have though. Things could always have gotten worse.

Name three things you bought yesterday.
Pizza for lunch, a ticket to Half-Blood Prince, and uh... a second piece of pizza for lunch (I guess.)

Have you ever been given roses?
I've been given flowers but I can't tell the difference between one flower and the next. They might have been carnations because that's the state flower of Garth McPherson.

Do you have an accent?
Since I live in the South, you could say I have a "General" accent which means I sound like I come Northern Virginia. (or the Midwest.)

Current hate right now?
Being tired.

What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
Listening to bible verses in my sleep. I still can't recite any of them though.


  1. "Logan Craft"? That's...random.

    Poor Lexie. Heather was probably right. And it sounds like she might've read your blog post about getting a ride to RUF.

    Carnations and roses look totally different! You should google them and compare pictures.

  2. Did you schedule this blog post, or even just save it as a draft or something? Because it says it was published on Monday, but you talk about stuff that happened on Tuesday (i.e. Alexie driving you to RUF).

    I wonder if there's some kind of posting option or something that might fix the problems you've been having scheduling blog posts. Or maybe Blogger's having fun messing up the way it's supposed to post, just to be annoying. You should have Bob from Danger Plains type in the time for the posts to schedule. Knowing Bob's luck it would work out perfectly :)
