Monday, August 17, 2009


Given that you exist, prove your favorite color.

Today was my first day back to class. The only class that actually did more today than hand out the syllabus was physics, so today physics will be my main gripe. After syllabussing for the first few minutes and explaining us how to access our homework online, he gave this brief talk about the role of a scientist. Interestingly enough he said the role of the scientist wasn't to find out the truth but to explain things. He asked one girl to prove that she existed. That was entertaining. Anyway, I felt like asking him to prove that he existed so I would know I wasn't wasting my time in his class, but I decided to keep that to myself. But you know, it made me appreciate how moronic the comeback "Prove that God exists" is, because, according to my new physics teacher, you can't even prove that you exist.


  1. Probably it's a good thing you kept that comment to yourself, assuming you don't want to fail physics. It sounds like your physics professor is a philosopher-wannabe :)

    None of my classes today did more than hand out the syllabus. I have a feeling that we'll get plenty of stuff done in my first Accounting class, however. We'd better, after having read 53 pages in preparation...

  2. My biology professor discussed the sylabus for about half the class and lectured for the rest of the class. My econ professor just handed out the sylabus, and my chem professor did a little lecturing at the end of class

  3. Of course, you can't prove that you exist. Existence is a metaphysical concern, not a science question. This is why the "Cogito Argument" isn't very convincing.
