Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fictional Grief

Have you ever been watching a movie or reading a book and you start crying when a fictional character dies? Not like a random background character is murdered and the main character has to figure out whodunnit but an actual character like one of Harry Potter's father figures dies and you just begin to weep for the brevity of such a beautiful life. Well, why? It doesn't make much sense to mourn a fictional character. If you never lived, can you really die?

P.S. My brother Luke is the only person I've ever known to weep at the death of a nonfictional character in a book, The Life of Abraham Lincoln. (I won't spoil the ending for you, just in case you haven't read it.) Just saying.



  2. Good for Luke! I wish more people around here would weep about his death.

  3. haha...I must say, every once in a (long) while I find myself sometimes emotionally moved when a sad part of a book comes around. But never to the point of really crying. I am very proud of Luke though....He has the mind of a future genius.
