Monday, May 31, 2010

Bio-enginnered Soldiers

I have recently been alerted to disturbing news. In my e-mail inbox I discovered that Ohio liberals are constructing human animal hybrids! Now they say that this research will cure many currently incurable diseases. Poppycock, say I! When did human animal hybrids ever cure AIDS? Hm? No. Obviously this medicine mumbo jumbo is just a cover for Obama's construction of an army of bio-engineered human animal soldiers to enslave America!! As a small-government man, I demand that Ohionians put an immediate stop to government's meddling! Imagine someday having your throat ripped out by Jaguar Man or being able to adopt a cute little Puppy Man from the local pound! Disgusting!!!!!


  1. Wouldn't it be a Puppy-boy, Duncan? Puppies are young dogs, men are grown men. It should be Puppy-boys.
