Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dark Basic Pro

I was working on a game that I was making for my brother Luke that was experiencing severe difficulties. Since David was in the room, I asked him for some help.

"Hey David, the sync function isn't working. Why is that?" I asked. He stared at my screen for a while.

"I think it is because you aren't using Dark Basic Pro. You're using just regular Dark Basic." He replied. I figured that was his excuse for having no idea what was wrong with my programming. I decided to simply not use the sync function and get on with my life.

"Hey David!" I said later. "This Set Sprite Priority function isn't working!"

"Hmmm." He said after studying it, "maybe it is only a Dark Basic Pro instruction."

I decided to switch to Dark Basic Pro after that. It worked fine with both sync and sprite priority, although for some reason I has a bug in a for-next loop that I couldn't figure out. I switched it to a do-loop loop and it worked fine. Why are programming languages so retarded?


  1. All the more reason NOT to program.

  2. The function of "SYNC" is meant to fully render all predefined images to the screen. This is handy when you want to simulate it within a loop. The condition? You need to have toggle the option of "SYNC" with the "SYNC ON" command.

    At least that's how it is in "Dark Basic Professional." Heh heh.
