Saturday, May 8, 2010

Poll Problems

Frankly, I doubt anyone really cares to read about what I think, especially when most of them know me and anytime there is something really exciting happens we are going to talk about when we next see each other. Therefore I have been scheming up ways to increase blog traffic like some sort of wannabe internet guru or something. I recently told myself that the best way to increase blog traffic was to make a poll at least once a week. However, I have been staring at the screen for five minutes and have still not thought up a decent poll to post on my blog. The thought of a personal poll has occurred to me, like "In all brute honesty, how would you describe me? Coolest Dude Ever, Future President, Mr. Universe, Super Genius" but I have heard that personal polls are unwise, especially when half of your voting population are your little brothers and their friends. Little boys have a tendency to vote with the negative answer, although with this poll I wonder how they would do that?

1 comment:

  1. Of course Duncan, public opinion polls are only good on the day they were taken.
