Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Medical Terminology

I've been reading a book on Medical Terminology so that I can hit the ground running when I hop back into school. It is fascinating stuff. Reading it makes me think that I could probably make up a few words by just adding a few parts together. Also, some of the ways that the roots have been used are very interesting. For example, I was trying to think up a way to remember "-algia," which means "pain." After all, I thought, there are no English words in common use that use that suffix. Then I remembered "Nostalgia." I'm not really sure, but I'm guessing the "Nost-" comes from the Latin word for "Our," which is "Noster," which would mean that "Nostalgia" means "Our pain" which is kind of funny if you consider how it is commonly used.

PS. This isn't a dictionary definition, but I use Nostalgia as looking back fondly on memories of your long past childhood. Just in case you've never heard/used that particular word before.

1 comment:

  1. I guess if your childhood is painful. Hmmm. . . what did you do in your childhood, Duncan?
