Thursday, May 27, 2010


My brother David has finished Calculus and has moved on to something more challenging: Physics. He is using my old Physics book and answering the practice questions in the back each day. I decided to help him out (heh heh) I would dig up my old tests and quizzes that I have filed and I would give them to him so he could do them when he finished the appropriate chapters. Therefore I went to my filing cabinet and pulled out my wad of papers. All assignments, tests, etc. from the past two semesters are shuffled together. So much for organization. Well, I found all my tests and quizzes for 104 but I was missing test 1, quiz 1, and quiz 2 for 103. Crazy... thought I. Where could they be? I double-checked the enormous wad. Nothing. I finally figured that I had not gotten into the habit of "filing" until after test 1 when something caught my eye: A file titled "Physics."

What actually happened was that I was organizing all my papers until test 1, when I got bored and started throwing everything together and telling myself I would file it later. It is like that Calvin and Hobbes' comic where Calvin is running all over the house looking in the sofa and under the beds yelling "Where's my coat!? Where's my coat!?" The last panel has Calvin looking inside the closet saying, "Hey! There it is! Who put it in a dumb place like THAT?"

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I'm planning to file all my work next semester.
