Saturday, January 30, 2010


For the past week, and for a few days more, we've had another member in the McPherson Family. His name is Danny and he is about Andrew's age. He eats a ton of breakfast, goes to McCallie for the entire day, returns about dinner time, and then eats a ton of dinner. Although he eats great quantities, he does discriminate in his tastes. A few days ago, he came in to dinner and we were eating some sort of meat. Anyway, Alexie was the only person still eating at that time so the interchange was very entertaining:

Danny: Hey, Lexie. What's the protein value in this?

Alexie: Who cares?

Danny: No, I just really want to know. Can I see the case this came in?

Alexie: No. I threw it away.

Danny: Oh.


Danny: Can I see a case of the same type of meat?


Recently, we were all having a drawing contest to see who could draw Danny the best. Alexie won. I scanned in the picture and if I can figure out how to attach it it will be below:

I was going to post this to Facebook so his sisters could enjoy it but I couldn't figure out how to upload pictures to Facebook so I gave up. Ah well. At least it is online!


  1. Hmm...I always thought the whole point of Facebook was to upload pictures. What on earth do you do with it if you can't figure out how to upload pictures?

  2. If I didn't know better, I'd say that's a picture of Duncan...

    Jacob =D

  3. I remember seeing Danny. That was interesting.
