Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh the Stinks you can Stink

Last night at RUF, the entire gym had just been cleaned and the entire building reeked of cleanness. I always thought the chemicals that Mom made us use on our house were bad, but this was 100 times more powerful. Dad could even smell it on me when he picked me up last night. John Craft was broken-hearted. Apparently, the church didn't think they'd have RUF tonight. (Maybe they suspected all the RUFers would be at the basketball game. Ha.) The way the guys who witnessed it described it made it sound like a truck full of ammonia was driven up and they hosed down the gym in it. Anyways, there were some seriously heavy fumes in that building. It was further complicated by the fact that none of the windows in the building can open and there are only two doors: both at the entrance. It felt like someone was trying to fumigate us.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. . . maybe the church was trying to get RUF to use a different building.
